I can’t believe that today is actually a #blog anniversary for me here. My posts grew so infrequent for a time that this site still feels so new to me. So unlike my Xanga days, which I miss.
I miss the followers that frequented my page, ones that I could really get to know. Ones that understood or even just empathized with the #loss and #grief I was experiencing. I appreciated those days.
I recognize that things have to #change; change is necessary for #growth. I’m not resistant to change, but I do want some sort of normalcy. I’ve got to get that for myself though, rather than wait for it to come to me. Writing can’t be an every day for me if I don’t allow it; I have to make the time and the effort, even when I feel mentally exhausted.
I assume many go through moments where they question #motivation, where they give in to the pressures of the every day, sacrificing the things that they actually enjoy. If my days were full of #writing and #cooking, I’d be a hell of a lot happier. And I guess it comes down to making excuses. I have so much work to do. I went out this weekend. I need more sleep. If I need to write, I need to make the time. Let’s see that commitment come to fruition.
Stay tuned. Four years here. Here’s to many more. Cheers.